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History of the Chatsworth Historical Society
Huell Howser
Virginia Watson
in 2003
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The Chatsworth Historical Society was founded on April 17th, 1963, to save the Pioneer Church.
This presentation will be divided into five parts:
The first 10 years - saving the Pioneer Church
The second 10 years - saving the Homestead Acre
The third 10 years - maintaining and improving the Acre
The last 31 years - continuing traditions, sharing our history at chatsworthhistory.com
A 25 minute, 2003 video, "Huell Howser visits Chatsworth", featuring Virginia Watson and Linda and
Andre van der Valk.
This presentation will be posted at our website, chatsworthhistory.com, Digital Archives, Presentations.
The First 10 years -- It all started in 1963 about saving the
Pioneer Church…
In February of that year, the Pioneer Church was declared a Historical Monument by Los
Angeles, based on paperwork submitted by Katharine Johnson, a member of one of
Chatsworth’s pioneer families. This step postponed the pending demolition and provided
the time needed to create an organization that would be responsible for the Church.
As the story goes… on April 17, 1963, according to the minutes of the first meeting, Virginia
Watson, Katharine and Kelly Johnson, Art Honey, Evie Bowers, Keith Watts, and Charles
and Eileen Janess all gathered at Katharine Johnson’s house. The Historical Society was
established that evening as a community organization to save the church and eventually
use a portion of it as a museum to contain historical memorabilia. Charles Janess was
elected President, Arthur Honey was Treasurer and Sheila Watts became Secretary.
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A few months later Lila Schepler stepped in as president replacing Charles Janess due to
illness. She led the group through the challenges of finding a home for the church at
Oakwood Memorial Park.
In January of 1965, the Church was moved from its site on Topanga Blvd to Oakwood
Cemetery. The Chatsworth Pioneer Church
It took another 6 years to raise funds for plumbing and electric, and to paint the church. In
1971 a “Concluding Stone Ceremony” was held to celebrate the placing of the cornerstone
for the church.
In 1976 the Oakwood Cemetery completes electric hookups and a road to the church, and
there is a rededication ceremony as the restoration project is complete.
In 1981 the church was leased to an Episcopal Church, and the church continues holding
services to this day.
The First 10 years -- It all started in 1963 about saving the
Pioneer Church…
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The 2nd 10 years Saving the Homestead Acre
In 1955, Minnie Hill Palmer sells off her farmland, and
retains her house and 1.3 acres of land surrounding it.
Aqua Sierra & the Roy Rogers Sports Center
In 1970, the golf course that surrounded her property
closed. The Pro Shop building was offered to Minnie
and it was moved on to her property.
In 1972, The LA Dept. of Recreation and Parks
purchased Chatsworth Park South, and Minnie retained
a Life Tenancy agreement for the 1911 cottage and 1.3
In 1978, after Minnie had moved to a retirement home,
the Historical Society, with Minnie’s approval, worked
out an agreement with the Department of Recreation
and Parks and became the conservator of the property.
The Golf Pro Shop building eventually became the
Chatsworth Museum.
It was not until 1998 that the
Caretaker’s trailer was removed
from the property by Recreation
and Parks and the Acre finally
looked as it does today.
Hill Palmer Cottage in 1979
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The 3rd 10 years Maintaining and Improving the Homestead Acre
Cleaning and new furnishings were needed for Minnie’s house which had been empty since
she moved into a nursing home.
Lawns and Gardens are taken care of by volunteers, members bring their own mowers to
mow the lawns.
New member Candy Craig volunteers to be “keeper of the Homestead Gardens”, her
husband Dean, “kills all the weeds and cuts down the grass”.
1982 - First Rose Garden established.
1986 A riding lawnmower is purchased for volunteer Dean Craig to use.
Fundraisers include: Yard sales and Bake sales, hosting weddings and funerals at the
Pioneer Church, used book sales at Topanga Plaza, weddings at the Acre.
1984 First Garden/Rose Festival
1991 First Pioneer Day
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The 3rd 10 years Celebrating Chatsworth’s Centennial Birthday in 1988
A Centennial Committee is formed to celebrate
Chatsworth’s 100th Birthday (chaired by Bea
A quilt is made representing Chatsworth’s History
(spearheaded by Ruth Grant, Zena Thorpe and
nine other local needlewomen).
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The 3rd 10 years Celebrating Chatsworth’s Centennial Birthday in 1988
A new Chatsworth song is
written and performed at
the celebration, presented
by the Natural High Group
led by Lester Smith Jr.,
Chatsworth Centennial Song
Music Video
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The event is held
at the Chatsworth
Park South
recreation center.
The Mistress of
Ceremonies is
Mulholland, and
Mayor Tom
Bradley is in
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The 3rd 10 years Celebrating Chatsworth’s Centennial Birthday in 1988
Bea Berman, LA County
Supervisor Michael Antonovich
and Ca. State Assembly member
Cathie Wright at the Time
Capsule dedication at the
Chatsworth Homestead Acre, to
be opened in 2088.
Porter Hudshon and Lillian
Schepler were in charge of
gathering items to be placed
Included are essays from school
children, 1988 newspapers and
other items that portray life in
Chatsworth in 1988.
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The 3rd 10 years Celebrating Chatsworth’s Centennial Birthday in 1988
Preserving History was a top priority…
Pictures, Presentations, Articles and Books
The group had already begun collecting Chatsworth photos from pioneer families including
the Williams family and Minnie Hill Palmer.
Bill Schepler, who grew up as a boy in Chatsworth, created a slide show called “Grizzlies to
Caterpillars” depicting the early Pioneer life and how it evolved into Caterpillar tractors
bulldozing our area to make way for tract homes.
Virginia Watson prepared a slide presentation to give at Chatsworth Park Elementary
Sheila Watts, Katharine Johnson and Virginia wrote articles for local papers.
Books authored by members about Chatsworth include “Chatsworth History” (Watson),
“Chatsworth Park Elementary School” (Ioline Cleveland), “Our Pioneer Mother” (Johnson
Family) and “Window into the Past” (Bill Schepler), “A Short Horse is Soon Curried” (Bob
Turner), “Quiet on the Set” by Bob Sherman.
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Museum Archives and Collections
Frank Schepler was the “Director of
Photography” creating slides of over 300
photos to use in slide shows.
These photos and more are being digitized
and added to our collection.
Collections of materials continue to be
donated for display and reference by
current and former residents.
Oral Histories of our residents are being
recorded and preserved.
Archiving methods for storage continue to
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Continuing traditions of two fundraisers each year, the Garden Festival on the last
Sunday in April, and Pioneer Day the first Sunday in October.
Sharing our History at chatsworthhistory.com, Digital Archives
157 YouTube videos at chatsworthhistory1, with the most popular being a 1957
Highway Patrol Episode with Clint Eastwood, with over 1 million views.
50 Powerpoint Presentations related to Chatsworth History
Our almost complete collection of Smoke Signal Newsletters, from 1966 to
Other historic Publications including the Chatsworth Grapevine, Owensmouth
Gazette, and Chatsworth History Articles
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The last 31 years
CHS Adventures Fundraising
Saving the Church and getting it back in
shape took lots of fundraising and over the
first 20 years a variety of methods were
used. The most successful at that time were
the Spring and Fall Yard Sales run by Ioline
Cleveland and the annual Book Sale at
Topanga Plaza run by Lillian Schepler.
Once the Historical Society acquired the
Acre, then Candy Craig began the idea of a
Rose Festival in the Spring of 1982 but it was
only about roses. Eventually that event
evolved by 1993 to the Garden Festival we
have now, replacing the Yard sales.
A happy crew ready to sell you one of the many items
donated for the Yard Sale.
In 1993 you could also become a
member of the Chatsworth Museum
Council and receive a medallion worthy of
framing. The $100 membership funds were
specified for improving the museum.
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CHS Adventures Fundraising
Pioneer Day evolved based on the 100 year
celebration of the Homestead Acre in 1986
demonstrating spinning, quilting and more.
Following the 1986 event, Weddings were
held at the Acre and could also be held at the
Pioneer Church, both supervised by the
Chatsworth Historical Society. However the
volunteers were soon burned out from what
was a very busy schedule every weekend.
In 1991 they tried the Pioneer Day idea and it
became an annual event. The Chili Cook-off
was added to it in 1995.
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CHS Adventures Parades
1965 - A community
group at heart, it
didn’t take long for
the Historical Society
to participate in the
Chatsworth Parade
letting everyone know
their accomplishment
of saving the Pioneer
Founder Charles
Janess is pulling the
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In 1966 this float
says ”Pioneering
with Books” the
book was made
with chicken wire
stuffed with
tissue paper.
Art Honey is
standing, Minnie
Hill Palmer is
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CHS Adventures Parades
In 1968 Minnie
Hill Palmer was
an honored
guest in the
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CHS Adventures Parades
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CHS Adventures Parades
In 1982, The Docent
program was in full swing
and participated on this
Includes: Tricia Plucknett,
Marion Hyland, Betty and
Jim Summers
Note that people are wearing
Santa hats. Previous
Chatsworth Parades were
held in July, and then were
held in December….
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CHS Adventures Parades
In 1982, The Docent
program was in full
swing and participated
on this float.
Although you can’t see
her face, the lady in
green is Virginia Watson
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CHS Adventures Parades
In 1986, this
100 years of
the Acre
Featured on
the float are
Candy Craig,
Paul Gossett
and Matt
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CHS Adventures Parades
1987 - Riding in
the buggy are
Millie Goff,
Marion Hyland,
Betty Summers
and Ramon
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CHS Adventures Parades
1989 - Included docents Betty Summers and Sheila Watts
In 1990, Bea
Berman made
arrangements for
the Wells Fargo
Stagecoach to
represent the
Society with Lila
and Bill Schepler
riding inside,
celebrating their
50th wedding
Anniversary at the
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CHS Adventures Parades
1998 2000
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CHS Adventures Parades
Zena and John Thorpe on a bicycle built for two…
Keith Watts and John Thorpe
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CHS Adventures Parades
2001 - To the right Bea
Berman and Elaine
showing the historic
flat iron
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CHS Adventures Parades
2005 Military Uniforms on Display.
Virginia Watson, Betty Summers,
Elaine Campbell, Ray and Ann Vincent
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CHS Adventures Parades
2006 - Gary Bercow,
Jelena Csanyi, Linda
van der Valk, and a
variety of
With Roy Rogers poster
showing Roy and Dale
riding in the parade.
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CHS Adventures Parades
2009 - Andre
van der Valk
and his Army
Jeep, riding
with a variety of
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CHS Adventures Parades
2011 Connie
Ager in an
antique car
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CHS Adventures Parades
2013 Carol &
Mike Lucas in
their antique car
Presidents during the years……
Charles Janess 1963-64 1
Lila Schepler 1964-65, 72-74, 75-76, 86-87 5
Ebert Chatham 1965-66 1
Garvin Aulepp 1966-68 2
Lillian Schepler 1968-70, 76-78 4
Virginia Watson 1970-72, 78-79, 87-88, 96-97 5
Dr. Ruth Boak 1974-75 1
Jane Matthews 1979-80, 88-89 2
Sheila Watts 1980-82, 90-91, 94-96 5
Ioline Cleveland 1982-1986 4
Zena Thorpe 1991-93 2
Bea Berman 1993-94 1
John Thorpe 1997-2000 3
Linda & Andre van der Valk 2000-present 24
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And along the way Creating/Supporting a few
Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monuments……
1963 (#14) The Pioneer Church
1967 (#49) Olive Trees on Lassen
1972 (#92) The Stagecoach Trail
1974 (#132) Stoney Point Outcroppings
1974 (#133) Minnie Hill Palmer House
1975 (#141) Chatsworth Reservoir Kiln Site
1997 (#645) Harvester Farms
2003 (#750) The Munch Box
2019 (#1177) The Apeta Momonga Mission Trail
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How can you help, or to borrow a 1973
theme from Lila Schepler,
“If it’s to BE, it HAS to be ME”
Volunteer at our Wednesday morning meetings:
In the Garden helping with Weeds and Roses, and maybe pruning some trees.
Our Digital Archiving project, which includes scanning our photos and collections.
Welcome Guests at our Open House, the 1st Sunday of each month from 1 to 4.
Help support our two big fundraisers, the Garden Festival and Pioneer Day. We can
always use help the Saturday before setting up (Pioneer Day), Sunday morning before the
events, and Sunday afternoon during tear down.
Send us an email at chatsworthhistory@gmail.com and let us know your interests!
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In 2007, the Historical Society museum was renamed
“The Virginia Watson Chatsworth Museum”
In 2019, Virginia Watson passed away at
the age of 97.
Councilman Smith dedicated the roadway
going to the acre and the recreation center
"Virginia Watson Way”
A Virginia Watson History/Tribute is
available in our April 2019 Smoke Signal
Up Next - a 25 minute
2003 Huell Howser Episode
"Visiting with Huell Howser :
Virginia Watson
Linda and Andre van der Valk
Available at
Digital Archives, Videos
or directly on YouTube at
5/21/2024 36The Chatsworth Historical Society 61 Years of History - 1963-2024
Up Next - a 25 minute
2003 Huell Howser Episode
"Visiting with Huell Howser :
Virginia Watson
Linda and Andre
van der Valk
Available at
Digital Archives, Videos
or directly on YouTube at
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Various archived materials at the Chatsworth Historical Society, most notably the “Smoke Signal”
Newsletters published over the years by the Chatsworth Historical Society.
Prepared by Ann & Ray Vincent, Chatsworth Historical Society, May 2013, for the 50th Anniversary of
the Chatsworth Historical Society - Updated 11/21/2017, 5/21/2024
The Chatsworth Historical Society 61 Years of History - 1963-2024